Dolors Rusiñol Masramon

Exhibition september 14th to october 21st 2006
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I like to watch the work of Dolors Rusiñol, because I feel transported in time, in an imagined but non unreal time, and I am taking a walk by the vicinity of those cities that are at heart of the pictures of Boagert or Carpaccio, those landscapes of the first Renaissance where almost always finally is present an urban reference, moved away, disquieting, necessary to locate above the reality the history of the protagonist.

Those cities and those landscapes that in coming years would approach us, with too much precision of the "vedutisti", painting the appearance as real as vulgar and with a forcefulness that lets them loose everything they had of magical.

In the middle of suggestive transparencies, of veiled colours, lights of dream,
suddenly appear the imagined cities... Bersabea maybe?

Some exhibitions:

Centro Cultural “Escoles Velles” Begur (Girona)

“El Taller del Negrito” Tarragona

“Hipermerc’Art” Sala Vinçon, Barcelona
2005 “Hipermerc’Art” Sala Vinçon, Barcelona
Galeria “Art i Traça”, Olot (Girona)
Fundación “Vila Casas” Torroella de Montgrí (Girona)

Galeria “El Pont” Besalú (Girona)

“Casa de Cultura” Girona

Plataforma”Nunca Mais”, Santiago de Compostela

“Anad’Art” Tinglado Puerto de Tarragona

Galeria “Artnau” Girona
Galeria “Gaudí” Chicago, U:S.A

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barques I
barques II
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Pushkar I
Pushkar II
original text (catalan)
vita (catalan)