List of the necessary documents:

8 good pictures of the works, if possible of such, which are to be exhibited
-    format .jpg or .tif
-    min. 1 MB if possible not more than 3 MB
-    min. 1200 x of 800 pixels
-    print quality for 18 x 24 cm
-    a list of the pictures with original title (+ translation if not German, English or French), format (H x W (x D)), technology and year

portrait photo colour or b/w for the web page
-    format .jpg or .tif
-    min. 150 x of 100 pixels

vita in German, English or French
-    format .txt, .rtf or .html, not in MS .doc

a text about the works, can be self-written or by someone else (in the latter case please ask the permission of the author for publishing on the web page and in the print media)
-    1/4 A4 page would be ideal size, if possible not longer than half of an A4 page
-    German, English or French
-    format .txt, .rtf or .html, not in MS .doc

briefly before the exhibition a price list
-    format .txt, .rtf or .html, not in MS .doc
-    with title, format (H x W (x D)), technology, year and price.

If possible, we need the documents at the beginning of the year, at least however 3 months before the exhibition. We would prefer a CD, but it could also be sent via mail. Please attach to several mails in this case.
